Elephant Journal: A self-care ritual to help you through it all.

7 minute read.
“This is going to end in tears.”
It’s 5.30 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon. I’ve been up since 5.30 a.m., working since 8 a.m. and the only breaks I’ve taken during the day are to switch gears from work-mode to mom-mode.
My two boys are wrestling each other (loudly) on the grass, right in front of me. I have a Zoom meeting in 30 minutes.
I warn them of the inevitable outcome of their shenanigans as I take a bite of my hastily-scoffed early dinner, which I’m eating outside in a ridiculous attempt to relax/get some fresh air before my meeting. I keep one eye on them just in case I need to step in and break it up. My other eye is on the time. I’m worried about being late for the meeting.
Meanwhile, the neverending inner ticker tape in my head is scrolling away:
- Ugh, those white pants that little ‘un’s wearing are getting grass stains. Must remember to soak.
- Oh, don’t forget to follow up on that email too! And what was that other thing I needed to do?
- Wait, what day is it? Sh*t! Big’un still needs an outfit for World Book Day on Thursday.
- I don’t think I’ll have time to exercise today after all…maybe tomorrow?
- Am I making dinner or grabbing take-out?
- I hope the neighbors can’t hear them screeching. I wish we weren’t the loudest in the street…
- I think I forgot to take my multivitamin. Did I even brush my teeth this morning?
This is just a regular nanosecond in my working mama brain. And it’s nothing new. But, since the world turned upside down a year ago, it’s only ramped up.
The boundaries between work and life have blurred to the point that we’re burning out in our millions. Specifically, 9.8 million working mothers in the United States alone are suffering from burnout, according to a recent analysis conducted by Great Place to Work and health-care start-up, Maven. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 2.2 million fewer women in the labor force in October 2020 than there were in October 2019.
A while ago, someone sold us the idea that we could do it all and have it all. The truth? We simply cannot. Not without support. Not without self-care. Not without healthier habits.
This past year has been a tough, but also potentially positive reality-check for many of us. It’s forced us to pause and, in some cases, to pivot. Ultimately, it’s also brought us back to what matters most: our well-being.
The only way we can get through the insurmountable pressures of motherhood this apocalyptic year is by being physically and mentally healthy, which is nearly impossible without some semblance of a self-care routine. The truth of the matter is: an unsupported body and mind that’s faced with consistent and unmanaged stress is going to experience anxiety, overwhelm, exhaustion, and eventually…complete burnout.
I know the feeling well. There have been far too many nights in the past year when my “ending in tears” prophecy has come true—except it’s usually me who’s crying.
This is normal. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with needing some support just to get through the day.
THRUit™ was created with moms, multitaskers, and just humans in general in mind to simplify our lives and help us lift the fog out of our brains. In the scrambled schedule of motherhood, they’ve created a streamlined package with quality ingredients to help us show up for ourselves, for our families, for our jobs, and for our communities.
Natural Support for Everyday Mamas:
It’s genius for those of us who have so much to remember we sometimes forget to brush our own teeth! (Or, is that just me?)
It also supports a vegetarian lifestyle, being made up of nutrient-rich vitamins and plant-based oils.
Take it from someone who got THRUit™:
“I’ve been running on an anxiety-powered treadmill ever since I heard the word ‘pandemic.’ I’ve been working from home since June of 2019, but that doesn’t mean I ever got accustomed to the Groundhog Day feeling of living, working, exercising, and eating all in one location. Every morning I’ve been waking up thinking: ‘alright, now what?’ And I’ve been sick and tired of having to put so much thought into, well, everything.
Opening the THRUit™ was the first time I felt like I could finally start putting areas in my life into their corresponding boxes instead of being buried underneath them all. Each morning, noon, and night are now a little more predictable, and a whole lot more pleasant.
I know my hypochondriac self is being proactive about my health with the multi-vitamin, and um, I refuse to ever take non-gummy vitamins again. With Ashwagandha Root and Chamomile Flower, I felt a wave of calm after taking the Mood Support, and it had my husband asking to steal a couple of capsules for himself (he did). My monkey mind finally took a seat when I used the CBD before bed, and there was zero drowsiness when I woke up in the morning.
For anyone who has felt disenfranchised by the past year, this will put you right back on track. I’ve forgotten how reassuring it is to have any sort of routine, and THRUit™ has helped me get my fingertips around one again. I can feel the difference!” -Kaitlin
When we make positive choices to proactively support our own well-being, we make a positive impact on the well-being of everyone around us, too. We can’t fill everyone else’s cups if we’re running on empty. THRUit™ is a simple and sustainable way to top up your own cup, throughout the day, every day—naturally.
Don’t let it end in tears; get THRUit™.
Sources: Elephant Journal