Do vegetarians need to take a multivitamin?

Vegetarians Need to Take a Multivitamin

5 minute read.

Some specific vitamins and minerals can be challenging to find in your diet when you're vegetarian. There may be one unanswered question that's preventing you from taking the plunge into complete vegetarianism: will I get enough vitamins and minerals if I do? It is undoubtedly a valid concern. However, there is good news. You can find these nutrients in a balanced vegetarian diet, using supplements, or from a well-rounded multivitamin such as THRUit™ Adult Multivitamin Gummies.

But first, a brief explanation of vegetarianism, its advantages, disadvantages, and solutions for deficiencies.

Advantages of becoming a vegetarian

Vegetarianism is one of the United States' fastest-growing lifestyle movements. Most people choose health as the reason for giving up meat. However, health scares, or when the use of antibiotics in animal feed is in the news, people's tendency to turn away from a meat-based diet increases.

Studies show the average vegetarian has a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity than the average meat-eater. Vegetarians also have a low risk of all types of cancers.

Disadvantages of becoming a vegetarian

The benefits of following a purely plant-based diet may be many. But not eating any poultry or meat could mean you're not getting enough of certain critical nutrients, including iodine and B12.

The emphasis should be on making healthy substitutions instead of cutting things out of your diet completely. The trick to having a good vegetarian diet is to make sure you have a healthy balance of a variety of different foods.

Which vitamin deficiencies are most common with vegetarians?

Suppose you’re thinking of becoming a vegetarian. In that case, the following are some of the most common nutrient deficiencies, followed by a few suggestions of how you can avoid them.

  1. Zinc is critical for a variety of reasons. For example, it is needed for the proper functioning of the body's immune system and regular vision maintenance. It is most prevalent in meat, fish, and dairy foods. Vegetarians can get zinc through whole grains, soy, beans, and nuts. 
  2. B12 helps the nervous system's regular functioning, contributes to normal red blood cell formation, and helps with fatigue. Getting enough vitamin B12 for vegetarians may be a problem, especially if they don't drink milk or consume dairy products. Vegetarians can get their B12 from plant milk, breakfast cereals fortified with B12, or they can opt for a B12 supplement. 
  3. Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones in the body. Most vegetarians can get iodine through dairy foods, fish, and shellfish, which are the minerals' richest sources. Seaweed is another rich source of iodine, but eating this food more than once a week can lead to other health problems.
  4. Vitamin D is produced by the body when sunlight reacts with your skin. But if you don’t get outside much to boost that intake, you can add fortified spreads or breakfast cereals to your diet. This is especially important to do in the autumn and winter when it's cold and the days are shorter. Health experts agree that adults and children who don't typically live in a sunny climate (i.e. if you're not living in California or Florida) take a vitamin D supplement of 10 mcg.

Is a multivitamin enough for a vegetarian?

It’s nearly impossible for a vegetarian to pinpoint which vitamins he or she might be missing. After reading about all the different vitamins you may be missing, it can be pretty daunting. However, there may be a solution: a multivitamin. More specifically, THRUit™ Adult Multivitamin Gummies.

Many health experts recommend keeping a detailed log of your diet to see what vitamins you are lacking. Then either go down the route of a multivitamin supplement or a specific vitamin, depending on what vitamins you are low or lacking.

While it may be tempting to take a multivitamin as a precaution and there is no harm in doing this, always check the content and quantities of vitamins and nutrients in the product you are using. For example, THRUit™ Adult Multivitamin Gummies contain zinc, iodine, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. These are all the most common deficiencies a vegetarian experiences once they begin to omit meat, fish, and chicken from their diet. 

Do vegetarians need multivitamins?

It's important to remember that no two vegetarian diets are precisely alike. Each aspect of your lifestyle, not just your dietary preferences, can influence what supplements or multivitamins you should take. It's essential to be thoughtful about your nutrition, as vitamin deficiencies can have long-lasting effects.

As always, make sure to consult your physician to ensure you're taking the proper multivitamin or supplements to complement your diet and lifestyle.

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